Wednesday, July 31, 2013


              The Quadrihorn is a domestically raised bovid; and a distant relative of the cow. Quadrihorns are much bigger than cows; and produce more milk. However, only calfs are suitable for eating because the adult's meat gets very stingy. This has to do with the way the chemicals in grass react with the Quadrihorn's digestive acids. Unfortunately, since Quadrihorns are big and usually easy to manage, they are used as a common source for meat in the human army. This is reported to be the biggest cause for desertion. I have no idea how those "experts" from the capital actually proved that.  It's probable that  the "experts" studies were "guided" on a path that was beneficiary to the crown. I mean, what could it possibly have to do with the high desertion rates that many soldiers came from the area that was rebelling?
               Quadrihorns are similar to cows in many ways. They have two stomachs, eat grass and it has been proven that their belches can be lit on fire. Maybe that's how dwarves make firespitters.... However, as I have already said, they are bigger and more muscular. They have four horns, which males use to win females. Therefore, you could they're just big, four-horned cows.
               Quadrihorns were domesticated about 3,000 years ago by nomads in what is now the northern part of the Southern Kingdom. Previously, they were leaner, faster, and probably a lot smarter than the domestic version appearing more commonly about 100 years later.
               One of the greatest farms of Quadrihorns which supply the army. There are about 5,000 animals on the farm, and about 500 are sold as meat each year. The farm is located near Renara, Okista.   Approximately 100 people work there.
                                                               Length: 2 meters
                                                                Weight: 2 tons
                                                               Young: 1-2 calves per 6 months
                                                               Longevity: 20 years
                                                               Environments: steppes of Northern Ostara and Okista
                                                              Color:Dark brown
                                                             Diet: Grass
                                                            Social: large herds from 20 to 1,000 animals